Information Security Policy

In order to provide satisfaction for every stakeholder, protect legal conformity, commercial reputation and reliability while enabling progress in accordance with strategical objectives, TURK TUBORG aims to achieve below subjects to make commercial information systems to operate with minimum failure, secure entire information assets, manage risks about these assets and take measures to information security threats;

·    Preventing unauthorized disclosure of information, in other words, facilitating CONFIDENTIALITY element of information Security

·    Protecting information against accidentally or arbitrary tampering or deletion by unauthorized individuals, in other words facilitating INTEGRITY element of information security

·    Providing information available for authorized individuals when needed, in other words facilitating AVAILABILITY element of information security.

TURK TUBORG commits below items in accordance with its Information Security Policy;

·    Making information security objectives as part of business strategy by making them coherent to business objectives.

·    Raising information security awareness by developing an information security approach covering entire company and stakeholders.

·    Respecting legal legislation, national, international and sectoral regulations about information security and meeting the obligations arising from agreements.

·    Meeting information security requirements arising from internal and external stakeholder responsibilities and protecting entire critical data.

·    Recognizing and managing all kinds of confidentiality, integrity and availability risks of information asset of TURK TUBORG’s employees, clients, suppliers and business partners.

·    Establishing and continuously improving a measurable, reportable and auditable information security Management System in accordance with requirements of ISO/IEC 27001 standard.

·    Allocating required resources and assigning relevant role and responsibilities for information security Management.

·    Developing suitable business continuity plans for providing continuity of critical processes and systems and providing continuity of information security elements within this scope.

·    Having the ability to quickly and efficiently respond possible information security events and minimize their impacts.

·    Devotedly struggling to make information security infrastructure a system continuously developing, evolving and preventing new risks to occur by following constantly changing and improving Technologies closely.
